+ 40 724 050 077 (Telegram / WhatsApp / Viber) | office@larinconsult.com EN | RO | RU

Putting a company to a pause or switching a company to a sleeping mode

Majority of the entrepreneurs who opened a company in Romania fail to start fast with the turnover enough to cover all current expenses and taxes.  There are cases when realization of a project takes some time. Or something went wrong and it takes time to rearrange and re-plan to make thing work in a proper way.

We suggest our clients the Option of pausing a company in order not to waste money for keeping a company afloat by paying current expenses. Make a company temporarily inactive. Switch to a sleeping mode.

The procedure when a company ceases its activity can last for any period of time not exceeding three years.

What is necessary for this?

  1. Pay all current expenses in the way that the accountant can submit the reports showing no debts to anyone.
  2. Fire all employees if any.
  3. Submit the documents and application for deactivating the company to the Registration Chamber of Romania.
  4. Registration Chamber issues the act on deactivation of the company when the abovementioned application is approved. 
  5. This act is transferred to the accountant who prepares the declaration for current period and informs all social services and the tax authorities about suspension of company’s activity. The company becomes inactive after receiving of confirmation from the tax authorities.

Submitting annual balances is still obligatory even if they declare zero balance. 


Please contact us for more details about the described procedure:

Phone: +40724 050 077  +40724 282 227 (Telegram / WhatsApp / Viber)

E-mail: office@larinconsult.com | larin.office@gmail.com