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Useful information

Full assistance

The complexity and comprehensive nature of the services offered by our company covers all the needs of any company in any field of activity when operating on the Romanian market.

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Putting a company to a pause or switching a company to a sleeping mode

Majority of the entrepreneurs who opened a company in Romania fail to start fast with the turnover enough to cover all current expenses and taxes. There are cases when realization of a project takes some time. Or something went wrong and it takes time to rearrange and re-plan to make thing work in a proper way.

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Tax ceilings for 2023 in Romania

Decree No. 16/2022 on Amendments and Supplements to Law No. 227/2015 on the Tax Code, Repeal of Certain Regulations and Other Financial and Fiscal Measures

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Tax ceilings in Romania in 2019

An important specification for the calculation of tax ceilings: According to the situation registered on December 31, 2018, the exchange rate is of 4.6581 lei/euro.

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What you must know about EU import rules and procedures

How to assess the chances and possibilities of selling your product on the EU market? What do you need to know about import rules and procedures in the EU? How is the EU trading system organized in general? How is the value of your product calculated after import into the EU? We provide a short guide to the main issues encountered by a foreign seller when entering the European market.

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